Strategizing a Proper Niche for Your Shopify Store
By Ryan Chatterton
May 26, 2020

By far, the best Shopify stores we’ve interviewed tend to be super nichified. These stores have better brands and perform better across all metrics. And at first glance, niches are easy to understand. After all, what is a niche but a defined audience segment? Turns out, it’s a lot more than that.
In this piece, we’ll go over the process of creating a niche for your store.
Why Niche Down?
For most seasoned entrepreneurs these days, niching down is a simple concept to understand and something in which they firmly believe.
The obvious reason to niche down is that the average human has a very short attention span, especially in 2019. We also have an abundance of information and choice. Therefore, we tend to buy from people and brands we know and trust. And we trust brands who cater to our self-interests.
From that perspective, the worst thing a Shopify store can do is cater to a wide variety of interests and personas. By doing so, not only is each audience less likely to trust that store, each audience will likely never discover said Shopify store.
So, the primary goal of niching down is to focus your marketing efforts, increase the likelihood that any given audience will pay attention to you, and increase conversion rates.
And yet so many Shopify stores aren’t niche at all. Many are far too generic to be of interest to any given audience.
Why Entrepreneurs Struggle to Niche Down
I believe that generic stores avoid niching down for two main reasons:
They have too many interests to pick only one
They don’t know which one will “work”
Too Many Interests
This is a problem with which I can relate, and it plagued my early career. There’s a lot of opportunity in this world and a lot of interesting things to which we can pay attention. Therefore, it stands to reason that we’d have a tough time picking just one niche for our Shopify stores.

Everything you need to grow your store, all in one place
Everything you need to grow your store, all in one place
Everything you need to grow your store, all in one place
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